Be the Observer

The self identity that makes judgments, formulates theories and chooses to take action is in actuality a small component of the totality of who you really are.

This can be proven objectively in moment to moment experience by simply paying attention. There is no further requirement for your enlightenment, in fact.

This is not to say that the simple act of observing the totality of your experience rather then being absorbed into the chaotic vortex of incessant mental noise is easy. It requires that you let go of something that you've been tightly clutching onto for the majority of your life.

Letting go doesn't mean blocking out or ignoring the mind and its constant activity. It means that you see the mental structure of self identity and your thought stream from the vantage point of the totality of your felt existence. Allow the mind to think freely, and allow the chaos to thrive whenever something powerful like the terror of fear enters the space of your experience.

Avoidance of these feelings by way of distraction or flight is how the imagined self identity gets most of its life blood. This primitive mechanism of our minds to induce extreme feelings that seem to come right at "us" is what leads most of us into believing that we are this independent entity that has desires, interests, fears, etc..

The truth is so simple and yet so incomprehensible to conceive of using the instrument of the mind. You cannot use the mind to discover the truth about who you are. The mind can only formulate the conceptual understanding of what I'm saying. Therefore, it's very important that what is being said is put into action by way of raw experience. It's also extremely important that you don't mistake the mind's interpretation of these concepts as the truth of who you are. (the mind will often come in from the backdoor and claim that it is you.)

I'm using the mind to think up and write these words, in hopes that what I'm saying reaches the depths of the totality of your experience. Simply conceptualizing these ideas is not the solution. The solution is to only observe that you are one unified field of energy and that your mind is simply a component of that field which tends to have a very strong gravitational force which pulls you, the observer, in and causes you to identify with the thoughts that are conjured up.

So, as counterintuitive as it may seem, the dualistic feeling of ourselves as a person with thoughts and opinions is in actuality a small component of the vast field of energetic feelings which makes up your present experience. The mind is there to guide you by way of conceptual understanding, but could never actually teach you how to truly be yourself.


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