Are you the person?
A man who is numb to the world is blind all the glory of life. That same man takes for granted the smiles and laughter of children playing in a grassy knoll. He overlooks the beauty of the grass itself, sprouting together in synchrony from this lively planet, fueled by a star which undergoes fusion and emits a byproduct of light that has gifted our planet with a constant wave of energy that is absorbed and re-distributed to a magnificent variety of living things. As well as conjuring life, the electromagnetic waves released by the sun regulate our earth’s climate, allowing It to be suitable for life in the first place. Assembled from the atomic byproducts of the fusion of many different stars, a numb man feels nothing but a blunt sense of meaninglessness. He lives only to die, and die he will. What will not die is the only thing that should have ever mattered to him. “Beyond all thoughts of good or evil, there is a field, I will meet you there.” -Rumi The field Rumi refers to is ...