Pure Observation is key
Only pure non-judgmental observation of who we are is the truth about who we are. A natural observation of internal sensation and being. You’re simply here. Nothing more is needed. If you return to your thoughts you have the instrument to realize that those thoughts are observable too. Those thoughts are arising in your consciousness at this moment unrestricted. Let them be just as they are. If you get lost in thoughts or mind then return to the wholeness which reveals that was just a teeny tiny aspect of the whole.
The pure awareness I’m speaking of can and will enlighten you to the fact that you are shapeless. Your thinking may try to reel you in and take over, and even if it succeeds the invitation to come back to pure awareness is here at every moment of your existence. You are the shapeless, observing everything but not labeling anything or becoming something you’re not. That means let go of everything but pure awareness of yourself. Here is the beauty and wholeness of having nothing to fix, nothing to get away from, nothing to become.
Do not identify with anything that wants to control you. That can be seen as the selfish force of human nature which we can so easily overcome with reflection of true self. Don’t hold on to any ideas or beliefs about who you are. Don’t imagine, only pure observation of your entire experience will awaken you not only to this peaceful place, but it will change your course of life because you’re no longer identified with greed and lust. Just this pure awareness. Don’t get discouraged if you find yourself continuously getting reeled in to some thought process or identity. Identifying with this false self will inevitably lead to much suffering, for you are not these selfish modes of being. You are the whole watching and perceiving the finite.
There is no space to define you, you are beyond quality. You are nothing in fact, and that’s the shapeless beauty that will lead you to peace of mind and contentedness for the rest of your life. The space does not complain, it is always empty. Look deeply at who are you, rather than taking it for granted that you are what you think you are. This will allow you to see that thoughts arise on their own accord, without interference. Let these thoughts be, they might for you be black holes that try to suck up your attention with their messages. Don’t even try to avoid getting sucked into them, only observe them for what they truly are, with no fear of what you might find hidden in that mental cage of a deluded self.
You are shapeless here, stay here. Do not linger onto a
territory of mind-controlled self. That’s not true awareness, that’s falling
asleep and being what’s not you. Evolution has made it so that a selfish enclosed
space is commonly experienced as “you”. Emerge the observer of this “you” that is
defined by your past and your problems and your plans. It is in fact not you. It is the pure awareness of being.