
Showing posts from July, 2020

Truth is freedom from all suffering

If truth is overlooked, and ignorance is maintained, then suffering will continue. Therefore, I say, truth should be our highest ideal. I can prove that ignorance creates suffering in light of your own experience. If every time you are anxious or stressed or in some deep misery you truly examine with your fullest attention the nature of what you’re experiencing in that moment, you will realize that the negative feeling itself is not actually negative until you assigned it that label with your mind. They are simply feelings happening in that moment. You are then the pure observer of them, and once you observe them from an objective place this way you overcome their power to influence you in a negative light so strongly. They become akin to the weather, changing all the time but their power to influence your day can be diminished to a mere ripple in the context of the whole of your being. If truth, or an end to suffering, is what you seek, then may you first identify what is false. M...

Pure Observation is key

Only pure non-judgmental observation of who we are is the truth about who we are. A natural observation of internal sensation and being. You’re simply here. Nothing more is needed. If you return to your thoughts you have the instrument to realize that those thoughts are observable too. Those thoughts are arising in your consciousness at this moment unrestricted. Let them be just as they are. If you get lost in thoughts or mind then return to the wholeness which reveals that was just a teeny tiny aspect of the whole. The pure awareness I’m speaking of can and will enlighten you to the fact that you are shapeless. Your thinking may try to reel you in and take over, and even if it succeeds the invitation to come back to pure awareness is here at every moment of your existence. You are the shapeless, observing everything but not labeling anything or becoming something you’re not. That means let go of everything but pure awareness of yourself. Here is the beauty and wholeness of having ...

Your natural self

Sometimes I revisit the egoic identity fully and realize how it corrupts my experience so entirely. Then I come back to the purity of awareness and all is well again. Nothing but space, energy and contentness are here. This shapeless state is the state we were born with, but throughout the years we have been shaped into that smaller space of the person who takes everything personally and has so many selfish traits that affect everyone around you. Come back to the fullness, you're welcome here where no desire or judgments or negativity can have full power over your conscious experience. Nothing can overwhelm this pureness of being. Challenges are taken on effortlessly, as whatever is needed in the moments of your life will naturally arise. Be your true self, the canvas in which all that is seen is observed in peace.