Truth is freedom from all suffering
If truth is overlooked, and ignorance is maintained, then suffering will continue. Therefore, I say, truth should be our highest ideal. I can prove that ignorance creates suffering in light of your own experience. If every time you are anxious or stressed or in some deep misery you truly examine with your fullest attention the nature of what you’re experiencing in that moment, you will realize that the negative feeling itself is not actually negative until you assigned it that label with your mind. They are simply feelings happening in that moment. You are then the pure observer of them, and once you observe them from an objective place this way you overcome their power to influence you in a negative light so strongly. They become akin to the weather, changing all the time but their power to influence your day can be diminished to a mere ripple in the context of the whole of your being. If truth, or an end to suffering, is what you seek, then may you first identify what is false. M...